Spring 2011!
Durham, NC
Hooded warbler, brown thrasher, catbird, osprey, pine warbler,
red-shouldered hawk, white-breasted nuthatch, cedar waxwing, great blue
heron, rufous-sided towhee, eastern bluebird, prothonotary warbler,
chipping sparrow (March-May, 2011)
Magee Marsh, OH
Canada warbler, mourning warbler, black-and-white warbler, Tennessee
warbler, chestnut-sided warbler, prothonotary warbler, black-throated
green warbler, magnolia warbler, blackpoll warbler, ruby-crowned
kinglet, bay-breasted warbler, Cape May warbler, warbling vireo,
Baltimore oriole, American redstart, Wilson's warbler, northern parula,
yellow-rumped warbler, yellow warbler, black-throated blue warbler,
rose-breasted grosbeak, blackburnian warbler (May 13-16, 2011)
Dauphin Island, AL
Sanderling (April 4, 2011)
here to view these
a slideshow!
*** click
thumbnails to zoom ***

prothonotary warbler

black and white warbler

Canada warbler

Tennessee warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

black-throated green warbler

blackpoll warbler

prothonotary warbler

Canada warbler

black and white warbler

ruby-crowned kinglet

bay-breasted warbler



magnolia warbler

Cape May warbler

Philadelphia vireo

Canada warbler

prothonotary warbler

black and white warbler

black-throated green warbler

American redstart

bay-breasted warbler

Canada warbler

black-and-white warbler

warbling vireo

American redstart

bay-breasted warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

eastern bluebird

rose-breasted grosbeak

magnolia warbler

black-throated green warbler

bay-breasted warbler

Cape May warbler

blackpoll warbler

prothonotary warbler

Baltimore oriole

Wilson's warbler

northern parula

magnolia warbler

Philadelphia vireo


magnolia warbler

ruby-crowned kinglet

Canada warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

prothonotary warbler

yellow-rumped warbler

prothonotary warbler

mourning warbler

yellow-rumped warbler

northern parula

Canada warbler

Cape May warbler

magnolia warbler

hooded warbler

red-shouldered hawk

northern parula

Canada warbler

black-throated blue warbler

Tennessee warbler

bay-breasted warbler

Cape May warbler

Cape May warbler

black-throated green warbler

Canada warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

mourning warbler

Canada warbler

Tennessee warbler

ruby-crowned kinglet

brown thrasher

pine warbler

great blue heron


prothonotary warbler

cedar waxwing

white-breasted nuthatch

rufous-sided towhee

black-throated green warbler

Canada warbler

Tennessee warbler

chipping sparrow

bay-breasted warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

magnolia warbler

bay-breasted warbler

magnolia warbler

bay-breasted warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

blackpoll warbler

American redstart

chestnut-sided warbler

black-throated green warbler

black and white warbler

black and white warbler

prothonotary warbler

northern parula

Wilson's warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

prothonotary warbler

black-throated blue warbler

black and white warbler

Tennessee warbler

blackpoll warbler

Canada warbler

Tennessee warbler

Canada warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

black and white warbler

Canada warbler

black-throated green warbler

yellow warbler

chestnut-sided warbler

black and white warbler

blackburnian warbler

prothonotary warbler

American redstart

pine warbler

prothonotary warbler

red-shouldered hawk


rufous-sided towhee

red-shouldered hawk

brown thrasher

brown thrasher

red-shouldered hawk

rufous-sided towhee

American robin

red-shouldered hawk

prothonotary warbler

rufous-sided towhee


red-shouldered hawk


red-shouldered hawk


Click here for Many
more Warbler Photos!
William H. Majoros.
Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
You may re-use these photos as long as you cite W.H. Majoros and
link the photos or their captions back to ThirdBirdFromTheSun.com
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